Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Scott Catalogue - 2010 - Vol.4

According to Lynn's Stamp News, the Scott Catalogue 2010, Volume 4 contains more than 23,000 price changes.
Even as a stamp dealer I do not bother buying the Scotts every year, but I feel that this year it is worth the expense due to these high numbers of price changes.

1 comment:

  1. I still keep issue from 2006, when comparing it to the "market" on the eBay or other web sales - You can really come close to perfect price.

    But, probably (because You are closer to Scott than I)- probably You know why Scott didn't list Republika Srpska Krajina stamp?

    I never received direct answer, or clear answer from Scott!

    They list Serbian Autonomy of Kosovo, but not Serbian part in Croatia - why?

    Probably politics or "high above order" cause it?

    best regards
